
Painting light sources


Painting light sources

In this article I will explain how to paint directional light effects whose origins are not from the sun or moon (natural light), but an external element such as a ball of energy (in this case).

To make it easier and faster, I will explain what you must keep in mind to achieve the effect.

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Painting gore


How to make Gore

What you will need:

  • Tamiya Clear Red.
  • Black (your favourite water based acrylic paint is fine).
  • A couple of brushes that you don’t care about….too much.
  • Tamiya brush cleaner.
  • Separate tile.
  • Separate clean water.

First of all if you haven’t heard of Tamiya Clear Red before; this is the stuff.

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Painting Tattoos


Painting Tattoos

On many occasions we get a miniature that asks for some great freehand tattoos to be painted on it. But for lack of experience or fear, people don't usually attempt to paint them because they don’t want to spoil the figure if they get it wrong.

To take away the fear or at least give you guys the courage to try your first step at freehand, I'll explain how I have painted them on the Bushido sumo fighter - Mikio.

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