Wave 33 Pre-Order Now!


Wave 33 are available to pre-order from our webstore now. We'll be adding the profiles and begin previewing the next Wave shortly.

A Wave 33 Double Whammy


Duri - Jung Pirates

He is almost as good a shot as he boasts and with his two “ladies” by his side, a threat to even the most nimble monk or heavily armour samurai, making him a legend amongst the Jung. The tale of how he lost his leg a source of much amusement amongst his peers. 

Terrain by 4Ground, Xmas shipping news and Kuma!!!


We are teaming up with 4Ground to produce high quality terrain for Bushido, see the full press release below to hear how stoked we are about this. We know you, the players, have been waiting awhile for full on Bushido terrain and we also know 4Ground will deliver!


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