Best of the Web - May


Good day Bushido Fans. It has been a little while but we are back with another “Best of the Web” this time focussing on the great work being posted in the Bushido Discord server.

The first entry we will look at is a great rendition of our biggest model to date; Ryujin from user wintermute2000 (or Darren to his friends) who is also one of the hosts of the great Bushido Cast podcast. I’m sure you will all agree this paint job will make for an awesome centre piece to Darren’s Jung Pirates force.


Next on the slate is a trifecta of the ghoulish yokai Pennangalan.

The first of these comes from user abo/Karim who has opted to use a desaturated blue/green and purple scheme to evoke a muted yet horrifying mood.


User JT has opted to go for a peach kimono on his rendition, which complements the bloody entrails wonderfully! JT has kindly shared links to both Instagram ( and Facebook ( so be sure to check them out for more great work.


While our final Pennangalan may only be a work in progress Doji Meishō is showing off some serious skills! If you’d like to keep up with the progress check out Doji Meishō’s Instagram account ( In the mean time take a closer look at the skin and that sickly green hue...


Quite why this particular model has taken such a hold over Discord is anyone’s guess, for now let’s just say that Yurei works in mysterious ways!

For our final entry I think we have saved the best to last! Do not adjust your screens, this Open Rebellion (Shiho) Warband has been painted in black and white! User SKROB has taken inspiration from the fantastic films of Akita Kurosawa, such as The Seven Samurai, to create a truly unique force. Hopefully we will see some more Shiho painted in the same way, keep an eye on SKROB’s Instagram account ( for more!

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Unfortunately that is all we have time for this week. Be sure to keep sharing your work and include the hashtags #GCTStudios & #BushidoTheGame where appropriate. Until next time fellow samurai!

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