The return of the Shiho


The Shiho Clan are back! Led by the unrivalled Black Eagle the Shiho return to fight for what is rightfully theirs. Pre-Orders for the Shiho will start on Saturday 19th of June and will be released on general sale on July 16th. The Shiho Starter Set (pictured above) is looking absolutely fantastic and we will be showing off the rest of the Wave over this coming week so be sure to tune in to our different social media platforms.


In the years following the Dragon Wars, the Shiho name was rarely mentioned. Recently, that name has started to be spoken again with increasing enthusiasm and excitement as it seems that the only known member of that once-proud clan has returned to the Isles of Jwar.
Shiho Hiroto is back to conquer his many foes and destroy the Takashi Clan by any means possible. He is leading a secret war taking place in the rice paddies, jungles, and thickets of Jwar. Shiho Hiroto is choosing to hit-and-run, steal, destroy, and disrupt the vital lines of supply and communication that the Takashi clan need so desperately to rule Jwar.

Some more incredible shots of the Shiho below...

