Wave 38 Pre-Order NOW!


Rokuro - Cult of Yurei

Nobody knows what he did to be punished so, some even say he cut off his own wings, but the fact that he has perfected a technique of throwing his axes at his enemies wings may show he wants others to suffer as he does. Even the most stoic and reserved of Tengu can become enraged at his mere presence. In combat his bargain with Yurei wards away enemy blows whilst punishing opponents for trying to hurt him.


Hirobo - Tengu Descension

Hirobo is an unquestioned leader amongst the Tengu. Striking an equal mixture of loyalty and fear into those he fights alongside. He is able to change the ebb and flow of a battle by channeling Fujin’s will, opponents rapidly find themselves outmaneuvered on all fronts by his actions. He dominates enemies, his attacks enfeebling their minds whilst he readies to take advantage and mark them for death.


Fai-Ginn - Silvermoon Trade Syndicate

Undoubtedly mean spirited and devoid of any form of warmth, Fai-Ginn has found himself as the primary carer for over half of the Silvermoon's street urchins. For all of the hatred and enmity felt towards him from his young charges he has avoided a dagger in the back, during the darkest hours of the the night, for so long because he does have some value to those he leaches from. His knowledge of what he calls the ‘subtle arts’ are second to none. 

Wave 38 Pre-Order NOW!

All of the fantastic models for Wave 38 are now available to Pre-Order and will be shipped early February. Get across to the store to check out their profile cards and work out how they will help to shape your Warbands.

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