Meet Manu


Manu - Silvermoon Trade Syndicate

Next up for the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate is Manu, this giant Buto is the personal bodyguard of Harukichi selected for obvious reasons. His prowess in the Jumo Arenas quickly attracted attention, it was clear to most he was destined for a top position within the Syndicate.

The Gaki - Cult of Yurei

The Gaki are cursed, once greedy and conceited men, they are now damned to lurk in the dark. Constantly driven by the gnawing pain of a hunger that cannot be satisfied no matter the volume of meat this foul Yokai consumes. Those rare peasant who survive the steel like claws and razor sharp teeth talk of a cloak of dense, cold mist enveloping them before the assault.

Facebook Giveaway

We asked for likes and shares to help spread the word of our new faction and you delivered, one lucky person will win a copy of the Silvermoon Trade Syndicate first, getting their hands on the finely sculpted villains early.

The winner is...

Brian Burchett

Well done Brian, thanks for the like! And to everyone else thanks for the liking and sharing it really helps.

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