Wave 31 one sneaks in...


Ujimushi - Shadow Wind Clan

Like all novices of the Kage Kaze Zoku, Ujimushi is mercilessly and relentlessly drilled in the arts of the Kage. Although adept in all Zoku martial weapons he has chosen the short bow as his preferred weapon. On missions he strives to master the skills of the veteran ninja, the shadow crows, with whom he serves, mimicking and practising their movements to aid in his own training. 




Progress continues on our upcoming game The Pioneers Program. Preview copies have landed and been shipped out again. We still have a couple of preview copies left so if you have a favourite reviewer drop us a line and we'll consider getting a copy across to them to review. Once the previews are in we will be ready to launch the Kickstarter and will be announcing a date for this in the near future. Stay tuned!

